The generous financial support by our community partners and private individuals is critical to our ability to continue to provide a haven for today’s youth and strengthen tomorrow’s families. While Sea Haven Youth Services does obtain some federal and state funding through grants and contracts to serve at-risk and abused, neglected, and abandoned youth, these funding sources frequently require private matching funds and do not provide enough support to pay for the total cost of essential services. We need your help through financial support to ensure the longevity of the programs Sea Haven Youth Services provides to our community.
Lunch & Learn
Please join us for our Monthly Lunch & Learn Tour and learn about the mission and vision of Sea Haven. We will share information about Sea Haven’s role in our community as a youth services provider and guide you on a tour of our beautiful campus in Little River, SC or our Young Adult Services Center in Myrtle Beach, SC.
If you can’t attend one of our scheduled Lunch and Learns, but would like to learn more about Sea Haven Youth Services, contact us to make other arrangements!

2024 Schedule
Lunch is On Us!!
To reserve your seat, please review our upcoming Lunch and Learn
dates below and CLICK HERE to schedule
your group or organization!
√ Lunch is Provided
√ Info about our Mission & Vision
√ Networking & Volunteer Opportunities
√ Campus Tour
Breakfast with Sea Haven
The goal of our annual breakfast is to raise critical funds needed to continue the wide array of programs and services offered to youth and young adults who need a safe place, counseling, and the proper tools to reach safety, stability and independence. The event is free to attend and all financial contributions to Sea Haven are tax deductible.